Relics of the Second Temple of Jerusalem and King Solomon uncovered for the first time

Press Release

Tel Aviv, May 14, 2009 – Professor Solomon Budnik has identified and described in elaborated monographs two unique Hebrew relics.

1. highly decorated silver bowl, holy relic ascribed to the Second Temple of Jerusalem (1st c. BCE), the only Temple artefact that survived the Temple destruction, fire and looting (most Temple objects are now reportedly in Vatican) by Emperor Titus. It bears inscribed dedications to David, Zhariah (High Priest of the Second Temple) and Yehudah (Maccabeus?);

2. King Solomon icon (10th c.) from the Collection of First Russian Czars, Grand Dukes of Kiev (10th-12th c.) in Professor Budnik Collection. (That icon has been confirmed by the Getty Museum).

The British Museum experts had stated upon examination of the images that they had never encountered such objects, and didn’t questioned, as didn’t Israeli experts, the authenticity of the items or the monographs of Professor Budnik. Indeed  there is no analogy.

Here are detailed images of the decorated silver bowl ascribed to the Second Temple of Jerusalem by Etruscan artist of the Herod Period. This is the only holy vessel that must have survived the Temple destruction and fire caused by Emperor Titus. This item was not excavated or found in Israel.


This is King Solomon icon.


It portrays for the first time in history the authentic images of King Solomon and his unique musical instrumen “kinor”.

The panel bears a painted King’s signet impression with the name Shlomo (Solomon) written in archaic Hebrew. King Solomon sits on a golden semi-throne, left foot resting on a golden stand. His throne and stand resemble the throne and stand of King Hammurabi of Sumer (1792-1750 BCE), depicted on the basalt pillar with the engrave Code of Hammurabi.

Similar thrones and stands were the royal attributes of the Pharaohs as well. Remarkably, King Solomon faces left toward his musical instrument, having no analogy in the history of music. This paramount discovery, along with other authentic details, speaks for the right attribution and provenance of this relic.

Tempera on panel. (53 cm. x 40 cm.). Asia Minor Antiquity, Khazarian Kingdom, 9th – 10th c. CE. Byzantine style painting. Unique artefact of unprecedented historical (biblical) and artistic value. No analogy. Fine state of preservation.Provenance: Collection of First Russian Czars, Grand Dukes of Kiev (10th-12th c.) in Professor Budnik possession.

This is an authentic portrait of King Solomon (Shlomo in Hebrew), marked with a signet-like Phoenician-Aramaic inscription Shlomo at the low edge of the panel. This unique masterpiece is painted on a large piece of very old wood, contemporary with the painting or even older. The priming and paint application are akin to Faiyum portraits (Lower Egypt, 2nd – 3rd c. CE), having no visible brush strokes.


Below is the message from the British Museum.

Dear Professor Budnik,
Thank you for the additional images and for your interesting monograph.  I have to confess that in all my years of experience at the British Museum, I have not encountered an object such as this, and I am really not able to comment on it.
With all good wishes,

Jonathan Tubb, Department of the Middle East
The British Museum

Media Contact: HIRAM7 REVIEW – David Berger – E-Mail:

6 Responses to Relics of the Second Temple of Jerusalem and King Solomon uncovered for the first time

  1. Rick Warden says:

    This is a fascinating site. My wife and I visited the Temple Institute in Jerusalem and saw some of the recreated vessels but the authentic original bowl is stunning, as well as the Solomon image. I’m presently writing an article on the book of I Kings. Would it be ok with you if I used the Solomon image on my blog? I can give you credit for it if you desire.

  2. David Berger says:


    Thank you for your interest in HIRAM7 REVIEW.

    Permission is granted to reprint and distribute all materials of this website for educational purposes.

    Best regards

  3. Hello,

    I am working on a book on the History of Antisemitism and would like to include an image of the relic of the silver bowl that survived the destruction of the Second Temple. Thanks a lot.

    Carole Frohlich

  4. David Berger says:

    Thank you for your interest in HIRAM7 REVIEW.

    Permission is granted to reprint and distribute the above materials for educational purposes by mentioning Copyright Solomon Budnik & HIRAM7 REVIEW, and link to this article.

    Best regards

  5. Hazel Yee says:

    Dear Mr. Berger, I was looking for some photos that I will be using for my preaching this Sunday when I saw this, this has caught my attention, would you mind if I use the photo for my preaching this Sunday? Just to further elaborate the vessels in the temple during the time of Solomon.

    Thanks and God bless

    Hazel Yee

    • David Berger says:

      Thank you for your interest in HIRAM7 REVIEW.

      Permission is granted to reprint and distribute the above materials for educational purposes by mentioning Copyright Solomon Budnik & HIRAM7 REVIEW, and link to this article.

      Best regards

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